Run 1405 - The Royal Oak, Wantage - AGM

Hares:  Big Stiffy and Hotlips

Hounds:  Lemony Snicket, Wimpey, Annus Interruptus, Gnome Alone, Cheap Date, Rubber Sole, Rubber Sole’s Buddy, Henry V, Accrual Joke, B’Cider, Whippet Good, Pays by the Inch, Global Warming, No Ball, Gatecrasher, Fluffy Dice, Off with the Fairies, Ringer, Comet, Uranus, Scrumptious, Behind the Bins, Patsy, Edina, Professional Peach, Kate and Rob.

After a 4 mile run off to Letcombe and back via Challow everyone gathered in the pub to enjoy a drink, fish and chips (well any permutation of those 3).  Then we moved on to the AGM. 


Gnome Alone kindly led the meeting in the absence of Zorro, our outgoing GM.  He started by thanking Zorro for his work as GM over the last 2 years, which has been much appreciated.

Hash Cash Report

Rubber Sole’s Buddy keeps the accounts and they are available for anyone who wants to look at the figures in more detail.  In summary:

Money In = £485.98 (subs after paying for the hares’ drinks)

Money Out = £465.68 (wine for the carols and New Year’s Day, drink for the BBQ, drink and chips for the AGM, Insurance and a charity donation)

The hash also has a reserve of £990.41

Hash Communications

Gnome Alone led a discussion to decide how hash news/events etc should be communicated and suggested the email group be resurrected as some hashers do not have a Facebook account and should not have to create one to follow the Hash.  The meeting agreed that the Website should be the place to go to check run venues (and should be checked prior to a run) but the majority were happy for other items to be publicised via Facebook.  


Lemony asked for a concensus of opinion on haberdashery as there had been different requests over the past few months re clothing.  She stated that a local supplier would only offer a discount on quantity if everyone had the same item.  Comet felt that hashers should have the same item of clothing as we are a club and this would give us a standard image.  B’Cider, who has ordered clothing in the past, agreed saying that it is hard enough to co-ordinate 1 item.  Offering a choice would get very complicated. The meeting agreed and Hash Cash said that some of the reserve could be used to subsidise the cost.

Run Reports

Lemony led a discussion on run reports and it was decided that these should still go on the website under Hash Trash but in a reduced form as the trail is downloaded onto Facebook most weeks.

 Longest Day Hash

Skinny Dipper, The Berkshire GM, has requested a contact at Didcot to arrange the Longest Day Hash.  Spot and Gnome Alone, who normally arrange this, are both away this year.  Scrumptious has offered to provide the bacon butties again.  Hotlips and Stiffy offered to liaise with Skinny Dipper to decide on a venue and find joint hares.

 Election of Officers

Gnome Alone reminded the meeting that a 2 year term for the GM and RA had been voted in to bring in fresh ideas.  It was also felt that people were more likely to take on the role if they knew it was for a limited period.  The meeting agreed that this was still appropriate.

 Many thanks to all who have held office over the last year.

 Grand Master

Lemony Snicket was elected

 Religious Adviser

Pays by the Inch was elected

 Hare Raisers

Big Stiffy and Hotlips agreed to continue

 Hash Cash

Rubber Sole’s Buddy agreed to continue


Patsy and Edina volunteered to take on the role as long as it is renamed Faberdashery!

 Social Sec(s)

There were no volunteers during the meeting but Scrumptious offered to take the role afterwards.  This offer was gratefully accepted.


Off with the Fairies volunteered to take on this role

 Any Other Business

Ringer offered to host the summer BBQ again.

Gnome Alone named Kate.  She is from Kent and this lodged in his mind and he kept reciting “There was a young man from Kent …”  So she had to be named Limerick.  Look it up if you dare!

 Thank you to everyone who attended.  It was a great turnout and a good meeting.


 Lemony Snicket
