Run 1334 - The Lamb Buckland
Another glorious, frosty morning. I’m afraid I couldn’t download the map the hares kindly sent me and Zorro’s download of the route on Facebook doesn’t help me much. Also, I have left it far too long to rely on my memory!
I know it was a wonderful run, in virgin territory. Lots of beautiful country footpaths. A very posh school and an amazing dovecote. I thought we were going to run all the way to Faringdon at one point! The Folly was looming large on the horizon.
Back at the pub I had to set off straight away, so apologies if I have missed any hounds off the list. But I gather a good time was had by all.
We want to go back that way when the azaleas are out.
On On
Hares: Ab Fab
Hounds: Big Stiffy and Hotlips, CS, Gatecrasher, Lemony Snickett, Ratatouille, Zorro, FBJ, La Crease, Daniel, Tiger Feet, Pink Panther and Catoand dog.
Date: 19 November 2017
Distance: c5 miles