Run 1216 - The Bell Wantage

It had been very wet and was rather chilly but Lemony was still surprised when Hutch announced that he had brought her hot water bottle.  Wimpey was taken aback too!  It turns out that it was not full so not worth taking on the trail!  And was being returned from Rubber Sole who had borrowed it when they returned from warmer climes to the English summer.  Hutch was sporting a smart cravat (or was it a tube?) to keep cosy. 

It was good to see Tiger Feet back, although he was running gently due to injury. 

The hare was not in evidence at the pub but this was because he was out laying the trail.  The persistent, heavy rain had prevented him going out in the morning and he had other commitments in the afternoon.  But he had contacted Lemony who had a rough idea of the trail, had marked it on a map and brought flour to mark the checks. What could go wrong? 

The hounds set off in various directions around the square but nothing was called.  Lemony started to twitch!  But, after pointing them to the right the call of “On On” was heard. We headed off towards Waitrose with RSB sporting the Supergirl Pants and they certainly had super powers as she was a front runner all evening and kept checking the right way!  We continued to the main road where we crossed over and went up the steps and along the path.  Still no sign of Zorro who had promised Godzilla he was coming – or was that just a ploy to have an un-interrupted glass of wine at home?  Then he appeared, praising the markings!  We crossed over the stream and turned right along beside it before heading up to the cut through.  Here we found what was suggested to be a new hash marking invented by Twitcher – surely not, he is too much of a gentleman to draw large falic symbols on a footpath! Ringer said he would have been quite embarrassed if his was that small.  Back at the main road Zorro called On and the pack followed but somethng looked wrong about the flour so he dipped his fingers in it to check had found it was a dollop of ice cream!  By this time Lemony had marked the way, much to everyone’s constanation. Then Wimpey said, yet again, “It’s this way according to my map”. He hadn’t got the idea that Lemony had drawn an approximation of the route rather than the true trail. Hounds searched again and found the flour in the opposite direction.  So we went past the school and then doubled back and headed off towards the countryside.  Crab Hill beckoned.  The going was very slippery but we staggered onwards, literally.  Some of the walkers took a short cut to the right while the runners continued on until they met the disused canal where they turned left.  No flour was in evidence so Lemony looked at the map again “Hold it the right way up!” was the useful (or should I say insulting) advice from Hutch.  How we have missed him. “On” was called and we continued along the old tow path and through the back gardens of the cottages before coming to the largest check ever – a good 2 feet across. How many hashers can you fit inside a check? 

The trail led down along the main road until we turned right up Grove Street and headed for the pub.  No chips were on offer but we had permission to buy some in the chip shop and take them in.  Freshly cooked, and very large portions.  The pub was comfortable and very welcoming.    

RSB awarded the, somewhat muddy, Supergirl Pants.  The original recipient was to have been Lemony for being a hare who didn’t know the route, but Wimpey had pointed out on the last two occasions that she hashed that she had forgotten the pants and was so pleased that she had remembered them this week she felt she couldn’t separate him from them any longer. 

There were no shirt to award.  Please come back if you have one, or the shorts.  And, Hotlips, please put the paddle away for a few weeks until Stiffy is completely better.

On On

Hare:  Twitcher

Hounds: Lemony Snicket, Wimpey, Rubber Sole's Buddy, Zorro, Godzilla, Ringer, Gnome Alone, Gatecrasher, Rear Admiral, Dingaling, Pressganger, Tiger Feet, Scrubber, Wilson, Hutch and Dancing Queen

Date: 22 September 2015

Distance: 3.5 Miles