Run 1212 - The Five Horseshoes Maidensgrove
It was rather cold in the car park with some large puddles but the rain had stopped. Two very young men, Jack and Will, had come along for their first hash and were to amaze us all. Zorro had come straight from work and had a nap in the car while the engine ran as his water bottle had leaked over his running gear.
The hare had used the latest in trail markings ie putting a number at a check which meant that that number of front runners had to go to the back.
We set off left from the pub and then turned left and went up the first hill, along the top of the ridge heading south and then down and up the steep hill at Oak Farm. Half way down the hill most of us were met by Epic Fail, Lollipop and Dingaling going to the back. Epic was only running to keep the other two company! Folk were checking in all directions but the rain had washed the flour laid on open ground away. Epic and Dingaling had gone to the top of the hill with no sightings. Zorro told Lemony to go that way and call it. There was growing constanation as she called “On One” and “On Two”. “Did you see any flour??!!” Epic asked Dingaling. “On On” she called when nearing the summit and then explained to the others that she had been cheating. They encouraged others up and then Zorro put a 3 on the ground. Epic and Dingaling set off down. “Who was 3rd?” asked Lemony. “You were!” was the reply. Back down the hill, but Epic kindly waited to encourage her back up. Through the wood and then down the next hill before turning north across a field and across the first spur of the wood before turning for the next hill. Another number was found and Lollipop turned round, quickly followed by Jack who hadn’t stopped running all evening. Off towards Pishill then left through the woods before heading up the final hill home. It was getting dark and Will started to flag. Even Jack walked the long On Inn which took us across the common. So did many of teh regulars too.
The quote of the day came from Zorro who said “I’d run through nettles and brambles for my daughter.” What a softy.
The pub was warm and we filled the back room but the kitchen couldn’t manage chips for us as they had a large party in the restaurant. Is that a valid excuse?
Ringer said a few words. He praised the lads for running like demons and sympathised with Twitcher who was a little upset because Mismatch had promised to be at the run but had not made it. Well, he had to say something as there were no vests to give out.
On On
Hares: Zorro and Piscine Down
Hounds: twitcher, Lemony Snicket, Wimpey, Steve, Jack, Will, Ginger Rocket, Randi, Godzilla, Ringer, Gatecrasher, Rear Admiral, Dingaling, Pressganger, Pyro, Whisper, Eric, Lollipop and Epic Fail
Date: 25 August 2015
Distance: c5 Miles