Run 1123 - The Red Lion Peppard Common
A brilliant crowd, some because the ground elsewhere was far too saturated (or under water) to do anything else or because there were no trains running from Culham to get back to Uni. But we aren't proud. Mismatch turned up in the green shorts and fetching, nearly matching green White Horse Harrier T shirt.
We set off straight across the road from the pub to the first check. DQ and Lemony went right and followed the lane to the road. They returned to see a somewhat perplexed look on Hutch's face and no cries from those checking the opposite way. So back they went and found the footpath that ran off to the left! There was still a lack of flour so no-one called On On but soon Hutch got fed up with waiting - can't have been that he was worried about others getting lost or cold can it? - and we were off down a lovely footpath and through a small wood. Crossing a field we came out in someone's front drive! Down a lane and then into along the edge of a rather muddy field. Followed by another muddy field, a muddy lane and ... more mud. Another lane and field saw us turning for home. It was a chilly morning and the sun did disappear but we made it back to the pub before the grey mist set in.
Only one Down Down shirt which was awarded to Menstrual for being inoffensive and smiling!
Mismatch awarded the shorts to Ringer (our RA) for being absent. She then posted them to him at his local pub. I wonder what they all thought when he opened his package !?!
On On
Hares: Rubber Sole and Hutch
Hounds: Scribbler, Pressganger, Billy Whizz, Osborne, Menstrual, Big Stiffy, Rocket Ronnie, Wimpey, Lemony Snicket, Zorro, Dancing Queen, Mismatch, B'Cider, Preppy, Ned Kelly, Henry V, A Cruel Joke, Professional Peach, Mark and Dave